Until the coffee brews…..


I am not one to blog a lot. I would like to more but I really haven’t the time. So, you have me for as long as it takes to brew my afternoon pot of coffee. Coffee is life for me. I even wrote a love story blog about coffee. It’s a bit obsessive but… oh wait sorry, here I am talking about coffee and you really only have a few min of my time left. Back on track. Its nap time on a Tuesday. Tuesday is my favorite day of the week because it’s Mom and Mason day. We play, explore, eat and dance our  way through life. His silly-ness makes me laugh and his constant hugging makes my heart grow. He is such a sweet boy.

Usually, durning nap time, I spend my time doing my bible study, catching up on work/emails/bookings, cleaning (rare, sorry Doug!), watching a show, napping or creating. Today I will try to be creative in making Mason a mini-grill. I researched last night from the hours of 12-2am, on what others have done and I think I have a game plan. Most have tutorials and great advise. I will end up finding my own way because I am stubborn and I really do not like following directions. Wish me luck. My coffee is done. Peace.




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